Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Beginings

Me gotted a new Mommy. Her usta be mine Aunt Kat but now her mine Mommy, wots of stuff happen in last families and me gotted tired of alla da dramas its so I started all ober agains and mine Aunt Kat say i would dopt you in a heartbeat, so den her did. 9-13-09 Her dopted me. Me is so happy now.
Dis is me and Mommy

Dis is me and Mommy havin PJ party inna mine tent

Dis is Mommy rockin me sleeps

Mine Mommy letted me build da house and I maked a lighhouses since we lives onna beach.

Dis is mine Bedoom dat I maked, it way kewl.

Dis Mine fabrite pwace to hangs out up inna lighthouses

Me hopes dis will lasts forebers, dey say fird times a charm... hopefully dey is right

0 what you gotta says:


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