Thursday, September 8, 2011

miss jess's class 9-8-11

dis homework assignment #1 for Miss Jess class at BHA 9-8-11


* What is your favourite play thing/Toy
* Why?
* Who do you like to play it with

mine fabrite toy is mine elefants i gots wotta dems dere is peanut, zelda, dawon, daoderwan, precious, dolly, mellie, minnie.

why cuz dey is mine fabrite aminal n dey is all different but dey alla same family just wike real familys n dey is wotta funs

i wikes well... i pways wif dem mineself right now cuz in SL dey in mine head... RL i not gots no one to pway wif right nows... yeahs....

0 what you gotta says:


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