Friday, September 23, 2011

work wif mr bizzo

sumtimes i gets to goes to work wif mr bizzo him is mine bf hehehe *giggggles* but he gots a drawer in he desk full of coloring books n crayons for me to colors prettyful pisctures heres sum of dems
dis bambi an he mommy

dis wittle bebe chickens

dis bebe chickens mommy chickens anna puppy

dis mommy n bebe duckies

dis mommy n bebe duckies n aunti duckie

dis mommy, aunti n bebe duckies

dis tinkerbelle

dis princess belle... or me

dis bambi n fumper

dis princess jasmines

dis bambi n fumper agains

dis a carebears

dis one was waaaay super hard but i had wotta fun wif it... cept screweed up few spots n it bug da snot outta me n not can fixes it now

dis a mommy chicken n bebe chickens

dis is princess jasmine n rasha

dis princess pocohauntus

dis is fishies dat mr dan wanted me draws cept he not talks me nomore cuz he jerk

dis is bebe chickens

dis my wittle ponys

dis princess jasmines

n dats alla prettyful pisctures i gots right now i gonna keeps it more updated i finks now yay! hehe

0 what you gotta says:


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