Thursday, October 6, 2011

10-6-11 homework

we workin onna letter C dis was homework due today on thursdays yep

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10-4-11 classwork BHA

i colored dis cuz i was sad

dis was mine school works we talking bout falls so dats a tree wif leafs onna grounds too

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Aunti Jewels Class 9-27-11

dis is what we workin on todays is da letter B..

Friday, September 23, 2011

work wif mr bizzo

sumtimes i gets to goes to work wif mr bizzo him is mine bf hehehe *giggggles* but he gots a drawer in he desk full of coloring books n crayons for me to colors prettyful pisctures heres sum of dems
dis bambi an he mommy

dis wittle bebe chickens

dis bebe chickens mommy chickens anna puppy

dis mommy n bebe duckies

dis mommy n bebe duckies n aunti duckie

dis mommy, aunti n bebe duckies

dis tinkerbelle

dis princess belle... or me

dis bambi n fumper

dis princess jasmines

dis bambi n fumper agains

dis a carebears

dis one was waaaay super hard but i had wotta fun wif it... cept screweed up few spots n it bug da snot outta me n not can fixes it now

dis a mommy chicken n bebe chickens

dis is princess jasmine n rasha

dis princess pocohauntus

dis is fishies dat mr dan wanted me draws cept he not talks me nomore cuz he jerk

dis is bebe chickens

dis my wittle ponys

dis princess jasmines

n dats alla prettyful pisctures i gots right now i gonna keeps it more updated i finks now yay! hehe

homework for aunti class at BHA 9-22-11

we is workin onna letter A i is good at colors da prettyful pisctures

miss aunti's class 9-22-11

dis what we dided in schools today

dis is what i gotted to painted a prettyful pisctures

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

homework for aunti class at BHA

we is working on patterns dis is mine homeworks due 9-20-11

Friday, September 16, 2011

classwork 9-15-11

for aunti jewels class at BHA i hada colors prettyful pisctures

dis is mine elefant n i named hers... um... umm... freeta yah

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Miss Jess' Class 9-15-11

Jess Maven: I would like you to write three sentences about your favourite season :) You could write about holidays in that season or the weather or what there is to do in that season e.g snow ball fights for winter :)

mine fabrite season is fall cuz

1 da leafs all change prettyful colors but dere still wotta greens.
2 it not too colds or too hots.
3 dere is trick or treat n go gets wotta cannies

aunti jewels class 9-15-11

we is learning shapes today n dis was mine homeworks at BHA

Saturday, September 10, 2011

homework for aunti class at BHA

da one is for recent n da oder is for make up... i not member what is for what but yah dats alla homeworks i gots ... so yeahs.. hehe

homework for miss jess class

we is learning da seasons, yeah.. it fun

Friday, September 9, 2011

Miss Jewels (or aunti jewels class) 9-8-11

dis was our work we dided todays we did colors n numbers.. yahs

Thursday, September 8, 2011

miss jess's class 9-8-11

dis homework assignment #1 for Miss Jess class at BHA 9-8-11


* What is your favourite play thing/Toy
* Why?
* Who do you like to play it with

mine fabrite toy is mine elefants i gots wotta dems dere is peanut, zelda, dawon, daoderwan, precious, dolly, mellie, minnie.

why cuz dey is mine fabrite aminal n dey is all different but dey alla same family just wike real familys n dey is wotta funs

i wikes well... i pways wif dem mineself right now cuz in SL dey in mine head... RL i not gots no one to pway wif right nows... yeahs....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Changes alla times *grins*

otay so dere always changes going on in mine life wike always..

mine RL mommy just camed to visits me RL as of dis morning... YAY Mommy! 

her is now not only mine RL mommy, but her mine SL mommy n yahoo mommy n alla way round mommy... YAY mommy. 

i lives inna home in SL wif wotta peoples n it great dere is:
mine sissy Mia
Hailey n her bebe Angela
Miss Abby
Nevaeh n her daughter Madison

i gots more family dat not lives wif:
Daddy Amoroth
Aunti Jewels
Cuzin Lianna
Cuzin Devon

so YAY~!~

i goes to 2 different schools right nows Willowdale n Blossom Hill Acadomy (BHA)
mine mommy is mine teacher at Willowdale
mine aunti jewels is mine teacher at BHA

dis is me, Mommy n Mia 

dis is Aunti Jewels, Lianna, Devon, Cole n me

dis is me n Okasan

dis blog is also gonna be used for school homework projects as well... so yeah hehe

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Lydia Ames Kanya-Cates - 5 year old dat just wanna has fun!!! 

any pictures posted are not mine real pictures unless stated... i finded dem onna web but dey just totally fitted how i view mineself


in·ner child (noun)

adult's view of his or her childhood: an adult's conception of himself or herself as a child, often used as a tool in therapeutic processes to explore feelings about the person's childhood

  1. (psychology) the essential, or original self, regarded as a child, existing within the shell of an adult, especially when suppressed by negative childhood experiences

SUM abbreviations(?) dat you might find i gunna uses n not knows what dey means...

SL - Second Life
RL - Real Life
IK - Inner Kid
TMM - Trouble Maker Mode (i maked dis one up mineself doh hehe)

SUM informative sites:

Otay so you wanna knows more bout me.... i post for you now... a piece of mine profile hehehe

Born: ~ aroundish Sept 15, 1997 ~ (roughly mid sept ish) but i foreber 5

Name: Lydia Ames Kanya-Cates

Nicknames: Peanut, Babygirl, Imp, Pumpkin, Strawberry, munchkin, twouble maker *giggles*

Age: 5 doh sumtimes 2.5-3 if feelin way sad an insecures. foreber 5!!!

Physical Appearance:

um bout 3'6 bout 38lbs. i gots blonde/light brown hairs kinda wavy but not straight or curly. i gots blue eyes n long eyelashes. I gots a wittle scar on mine forehead above mine left eye along mine hairline cuz when i was way younger i falled downa stairs. umm what else... i wittle smaller for mine age dan most cuz i just ams...

Appearance/Clothing Style:

i wikes to wears all kinna clothes... i big on da princesses right now. i not really wike dresses doh i rather be in jeans n t-shirts. sumtimes i gotta has mommy helps me cuz i not gooder at matching fings.....n mine black n purple neakers yep yep

When me is out: (the body feels)

a huge sense of total craziness an mass hyper ness.... or way sad, insecures, n lonely. or i be waaay mischevious. *gigggggggles*


i be goofy an silly, i woves to has good times, sumtimes it lead me to do naughty fings so sumtimes needs close eye on mes *grumbles cuz miss abby maked me putted dat deres*.. hmmm i gets called a walking movie cuz most eberyfing you says i can wifin seconds link it to a movie or comedian. i most always gots mine purple elefant Mellie, do NOT takes her from mes or i bites you!!! i nots demanding kid, neber was, neber will be. um.. i has berry creative minds. i tends to does better in smaller groups... big groups i get real shy an uncomfy an just kinna hang out wike fly onna wall. hmm what else dere bout me... oh i can be waaay real hypers at times... and oder times... not so hypers... an when i gets frustrated n angrys i sumtimes does bad fings.. if i be feeling insecures an or way sad... i sumtimes sux mine fumb... i fink dat about it...


i woves to jumps onna bed, paints, colors, woves movies n musics. i woves go zoo, i woves mommy/lydia times, spends much times as me can wif hers, i woves to roleplay. i wikes sweeping wif mine mommy n take naps n sits onna her laps. TMM. i wikes does jokes n pranks. puzzles! mine pet ferret named Taz n mine puppy named belle dat mine Mommy gotted me


fabrite color: purple n black
fabrite movie: beauty anna beast, when i goed Disney i wanted be belle but dey not fitted me :(
fabrite musics: Nightwish n wots oders
fabrite book: beauty anna beast, n i was kissed by a seal at da zoo.
fabrite aminals: is elefants, minifants, monkeys, tigers, dolphins, bears, seals, n horseys.
fabrite game: cannyland, tractor tipping,
fabrite tv show: gullah gullah island, little bear, franklin, sid da science kid,
bestest friend: maya n tiffy, n brooookieeee
fabrite foods: hot dogs n baked beans.. n mac n cheese.. n chicken nuggets.
fabrite toys: mine race cars track, lincoln logs, legos, paints, playdohs, mine princess dolls, all mine cars stuffs

So dats kinna me inna nutshells, yup yup!

so ifs you gots any questions den just comments n i tries answers yup!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Beginings

Me gotted a new Mommy. Her usta be mine Aunt Kat but now her mine Mommy, wots of stuff happen in last families and me gotted tired of alla da dramas its so I started all ober agains and mine Aunt Kat say i would dopt you in a heartbeat, so den her did. 9-13-09 Her dopted me. Me is so happy now.
Dis is me and Mommy

Dis is me and Mommy havin PJ party inna mine tent

Dis is Mommy rockin me sleeps

Mine Mommy letted me build da house and I maked a lighhouses since we lives onna beach.

Dis is mine Bedoom dat I maked, it way kewl.

Dis Mine fabrite pwace to hangs out up inna lighthouses

Me hopes dis will lasts forebers, dey say fird times a charm... hopefully dey is right

Friday, February 27, 2009

Reranging da kitchens

Otay so wots has been happenin since da end of my stories otay... Mommy gots a new boyfriend named Kent and him is berry nice. Him buyed me a pony named Asha. Her can run berry fast. I gots to know my newest sisters Honeys and Blues. Dem taked me shopping but I buyed da stuffs myself, just dey taked me and helped me find what I was wookin fors. Wots of fun.. Lets see what else. I cided to try some new tactics to get Mommy tentions... lets see how dis goes... I reranged her kitchens (as seen below... ) *GIGGLES* hopefully her not will get TOOO mad! :P

Dis is da kitchen afore I moved fings

Dis da kitchen after I moved fings

Dis da dinning room befores

Dining room after I moved fings :P

and dis da whole fing

Lets see what happens....

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